Wednesday 25 September 2013

Dark Knight - Empire

- Close up of the face of one of the main characters in the film takes up around 70-80%
- Barcode again in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine
- Again mentioning other films related to the genre of the main film
- The title of the magazine in a different font and colour in comparison to previous empire magazines, the traditional colour is red

Magazine Poster - Empire

The typical bold masthead is at the top of the poster and in the traditional red colour
The main image is taking up around 70% of the front page
Barcode at the bottom right hand side of the magazine
Mentioning many other films on either side of the main image
Bright lighting across the face of the main image
Tagline - Wolverine has returned for...

Total Film - Poster

- This film poster has the common convention which is the bold masthead and the main image which takes up to around 70% of the front page.
- this film poster also has the barcode in the bottom right corner, this barcode is not necessarily always in the same place
- More than three different types of fonts
- Also included other types of films in a smaller pictures
- Medium close up of the main character
- Small tag lines coming around the main image

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Taken - Poster

- This poster shows its audience that the main character for this film is Liam Neeson as he in the middle of the page and is taking up around 70% of the page,
- The tag line of the film is in red
- The blurb is at the bottom at the poster which is a common convention which posters have
- The mis en scene is relevant to the genre of the film as liam neeson is holding a gun which shows that there is some sense of action through the film
- Marketing technique used again the website of the film is written at the bottom of the film, allows audiences to read in on the film in extra detail influencing them to watch the film
- Also previous films which have been made by the same directors have been mentioned ' The Transporter' which shows that the film has a similar concept and genre
- Other Actors are also pictures on the poster but in a smaller size, shows that there is more than one main character
- Also there are tag line near the top of the poster, this gives the viewer a rough idea of what the film is about

Phone Booth - Poster

- This film poster straight away tells the audience who the main character is as colin farrel pictures is the largest on the poster
- The poster has a blurb stating which companies have worked to develop to create this film also the actors are mentioned in the blurb
- The main actor Colin Farrel has his name in a much larger font in comparison to the other actors, this again shows the audience that he will be the main character in the film and it will be based around him
- The bullet through the window again reinforces the genre of the film which is thriller, the bullet does not tell the audience completely what the film is about but gives them a rough idea.
- The camera angle is at a close up which allows the audience to see the expressions and emotions of Colin Farrel, this again relates back to the genre of the film.

The Strangers - Poster

- This poster again has a blurb at the bottom of the poster, showing which companies have helped to make this film
- The poster has also included a marketing convention which is the website at the bottom of the poster, this is a good way to influence people to watch the film as the website gives extra information on the film
- ' From the producers of The Ring and The Grudge' this is a good way to advertise the producers, this shows the audience that this film will be very similar to The Ring and The Grudge, promoting the type of genre
- The lighting of the poster is focused  mainly on the women this gives the impression to the audience that the main character is the women, also the names of the actors are shown on the front of the posters,
- The tag line of the film is written in red which reinforces the genre of the film which is thriller.

The Woman In Black - Poster

-       -   The poster includes the blurb at the bottom which includes the characters also the film companies which help to make the film,
-        -  The poster also includes the actor name which is above the picture of Daniel Radcliffe, this shows he is the main character of the film
-         - The font style represent the genre of the film due to the bold font,
-          -The colour scheme of the poster also matches with the genre of the film, Dark gloomy colour scheme gives the impression to the reader that the film will be mysterious.

-          - Advanced marketing has been used in this poster as the website is written down in white at the bottom, this is where the audience can find out more information about the film, good marketing technique influences people to come watch the film.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Film trailer conventions

The Strangers

The film starts off with the company name, slow piano playing in the background to relate to the genre of the film, long clips, mixture of medium and close ups, inspired by true events attempting to bring reality to the film, change in pace of transitions, faster cut scenes towards the middle/end of the trailer, season release ( this summer), slow mo at the end, film characters, coming soon no release date and the website for the film.

Come Out And Play

the film starts off with the film directors, tag lines throughout the film, tense music throughout the film, the pace of the film picks up especially as the film goes towards the middle and the end, faster cut scenes and transitions, no release date, director of the film at the end, stabs throughout the film especially towards the end, medium close ups during tense scenes through the trailer, music stops and the screen goes black to build up tension. Non - diabetic sound used appropriately to relate to the film.


Universal pictures, green screen, company names who the made the film, casual non diagetic music playing, tag lines throughout the film, sudden mood switch in the film, this flal so it shows the release date,from universal pictures, shows main characters, blurb at the end of the film stating all the directors and the people who helped to make the film, very fast cut scenes towards the end allows to build up tension and action, man medium close ups in the film especially towards the middle, props used such as sharp broken glass and blood relates to the genre of the film.

The Purge

The film trailer starts off with the green, tag lines at the start of the film, very slow relaxing music at the start, big change in tempo of the film especially with cut scene as at the start of the film very long clips joined together, during the middle the tempo begins to pick up which shows that the tension is building up, music has changed to more of a serious thriller style, Universal pictures logo appears, brings up previous films the producers have made e.g. paranormal activity and sinister, release date of the film at the end also with another tagline, facebook page for the film.

Overall Summary

Overall the film trailers have very similar conventions such as the green picture at the start which states the following trailer is for appropriate audiences, also throughout all trailers there was a big swing in mood set from the beginning to the end as the cut scene tempo changed to very fast, music also changed and the camera angles. Many of the film trailers at the end had a form of marketing as they usually had a website which led to more information about the film or a social networking site such as facebook which has a like page.