Wednesday 2 October 2013

My Proposal

For my storyline I have decided that I will have a main character (John) who is living his everyday normal life.  One night he is returning from a party, he decides to help a man on the street who looks like he is in need of help. He in fact asks for a lift from John.
 John gives him a lift and the man turns out to be an escaped convict. He takes John at gun point and tells him to take him to his house, from here on John encounters numerous problems.  This leads to him planning numerous ways in which he could escape. John eventually takes the escaped convict to his house.
John is now held hostage at his house. Luckily his friend (Saad) notices him park up with a stranger who has his face covered.  Straight away Saad realises something is not right so he follows John but comes in through the back door.  Saad sees John tied up to a chair inside his own house.  Saad tries to free John by taking out the escaped convict by using a weapon. First he needs to find where he is. Eventually Saad takes him out but has to work secretly in the house.
By the end of the film the convict is caught tied up and handed into the police.

1 comment:

  1. Ammar, you have made a good start to your blog but you have uploaded some of UNIT 4 work into this blog by mistake.
    What has gone well so far is that you have started your research into magazines etc. There is work missing, however, and your blog will be better if you complete this ASAP. You have uploaded your proposal.
    You now need to make sure to catch up with uploading your sequence analysis, script and the rest of your research.
    Don't forget to do your Recce tomorrow - take lots of photos and make sure to think about the issues you might have when filming at the different locations.
