Tuesday 13 May 2014

evaluation question 3

Audience research -

For my audience research i asked my target audience what their opinions where on my three products and how i could improve on it.

Magazine -

Nafeesah - I like the presentation of the magazine as it is very eye catching especially with the bold colour and the use of font. I also liked how you have followed the codes and conventions of real life media products e.g. with the Masthead at the top of the page and the bar code in the bottom right hand corner including the price . The picture is very eye catching and suits well with the genre of your film.
What i would improve on - for improvement i would add more information about other films which are similar to your film and talk more about them, try to promote the magazine.

Trailer -

Saad - i really enjoyed the trailer of your film as i thought it was very interesting and included many features which are in real movie trailers such as the green screen at the start and the blurb at the end, the trailer had a equilibrium and a new equilibrium which follows up on the theory of Todorov which is another reason why i liked it. I also liked how you have used the dark environment and the setting to fit well with the genre of your trailer, the costumes of the characters also plays well with the genre.
What i would improve on - if i had to improve on the trailer i would make the trailer longer and add more clips on the action and suspense to gain more interest from the audience, i would also include more fast pace shots to create tension.

Poster -

Ulera - i thought your post was done well as it followed many codes conventions such as the blurb at the bottom and the coming soon selling point technique. i also liked how you edited the photo into black and white, this effect fits well with the thriller as it represents darkness and mysterious. The image itself i thought was clever as it gives a brief impression to the audience what the film is about, the colour scheme of the title is used effectively also as the colour red represents blood and violence which again is relevant to the genre.
What i would improve on - in my opinion i would add more logos of companies to make the product look more professional, if the poster has logos of companies which are well known or popular, people will be encouraged more to watch the film.

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